Our Blog
Patient education & updates from our office.
Teeth Whitening Guide
Teeth whitening can be an effective approach to getting a bright, healthy, and youthful-looking smile. Find the right whitening for you.
Gum Disease and Alzheimer’s
It’s likely that a better solution to help protect yourself from Alzheimer’s disease is taking good care of your oral health. You can reduce your risk of developing gum disease with thorough oral hygiene supplemented by regular dental checkups and professional cleanings.
Enjoy the Results of a Smile Makeover
Recently, we had the opportunity to show the . Local model Mary Lynch showed off her results at the show, saying, “I can’t imagine a better or more beautiful accessory!” Since then, many people have asked us if they, too, could get equally beautiful results from their . The answer is: yes! Tulsa […]nThe post Enjoy the Results of a Smile Makeover appeared first on .
Why You Should Choose FOY® Dentures
If you are considering getting dentures, you might think about getting the same old dentures that your grandparents and their grandparents had. Certainly, there are dentists out there who will make this kind of dentures for you. But you don’t have to settle for old-fashioned dentures that don’t do what they’re supposed to do. There […]nThe post 5 Great Reasons to Get the Denture Fountain of Youth ® appeared first on .
Gum Disease Linked to Risk of Cancer
is a chronic infection that can have far-reaching consequences. It is the leading cause of tooth loss among American adults, but beyond that it’s been linked to heart disease and dementia. Now a new study is showing that strong evidence links gum disease to an elevated risk of cancer. This is strong evidence […]nThe post Gum Disease Linked to Elevated Cancer Risk appeared first on .
Can a Failed Bridge Be Replaced?
are a good . They can give you a fully fixed restoration that lets you eat all your favorite foods. It’s almost like getting your natural tooth back. Dental bridges can last a long time–decades–but they don’t last forever. If you have an old dental bridge that is failing, you might wonder […]nThe post Can a Failed Bridge Be Replaced? appeared first on .
élan Tulsa Cosmetic Dentistry
10031 S Yale Ave #104
Tulsa, OK 74137