5 Reasons Why Dentures Help You Look Younger

5 Ways Tulsa Dentures Help You Look Younger
When you face the loss of all your teeth, the numerous denture options can be overwhelming. People often worry about looking older than they are with dentures. They’ve heard horror stories about dentures looking too large for their mouths, whistling when they talk, slipping and falling out when eating, or not being able to eat their favorite foods anymore. While these issues are of concern for lesser, poorer fitting dentures, Fountain of Youth Dentures eliminates those problems so you can have a beautiful smile with functional teeth in Tulsa.
Fountain of Youth Dentures’ main claim is right in the name: “Youth.” Do they, in fact, make you look younger? Yes! These dentures are premium, luxury dentures that help you look younger and feel more like you. Here are 5 reasons why Fountain of Youth Dentures help you look younger.
1. No Stains, Chips, or Wear
If you are about to lose all your teeth or have old dentures, you likely have stains, chips, and wear. A new pair of Fountain of Youth Dentures are custom designed to your liking—they aren’t a one-size-fits-all like many dentures. You can choose how white you’d like them, and our FOY® denture dentist will determine the proper size to fit your face.
Stained, chipped, and worn teeth make you look older because unhealthy teeth are typically associated with old age. While all natural teeth will show signs of age, you don’t have to when you choose to replace them with Fountain of Youth Dentures.
2. They Restore Your Facial Proportions
One of the best things about Fountain of Youth Dentures is that they restore your facial proportions. If you have old dentures or are missing many teeth, you might have noticed that the skin on your face started to sag. Sometimes this can be hard to tell when you look at yourself each day in the mirror but look at old pictures. Do you notice more wrinkles, thinner lips, sunken cheeks, and that the bottom half of your face is shorter than it used to be?
Your face looks less youthful because your teeth and jaw serve as a mold for your soft tissues (skin, lips, etc.) to live over. This mold deteriorates for two reasons.
- When you lose your teeth, your jawbone stops repairing and replacing cells as fast as it used to. Your jaw is used to get stimulation from tooth roots to keep its regeneration process working. Without tooth roots, your jaw begins to fade, and the bottom half of your face can appear hollow and short.
- When you simply do not have teeth, your lips and cheeks have nothing to rest on. This is where your lips start to thin, and you develop more wrinkles on your cheeks and around your mouth.
Fountain of Youth Dentures restores the proportions of your face to youth because we design them with a neuromuscular focus. Your jaw, facial proportions, and teeth are all taken into consideration. Even if you’ve had some jawbone loss, these luxury dentures give you the height you need for a youthful appearance. We also consider where your teeth need to rest to smooth out wrinkles and hold your lips in the right spot.
3. They Look Just Like Natural Teeth
Fountain of Youth Dentures looks just like natural teeth! How many denture wearers can say that their dentures are perfect? Yours can when you choose Fountain of Youth.
Your FOY® denture dentist designs your dentures to be the right size and proportions for your facial appearance, but they also consider how natural teeth are supposed to look. With FOY®, you won’t get dentures that look bulky or too small for your mouth. No one will be able to tell you’re wearing them!
4. They are Comfortable and Easy to Chew With
Fountain of Youth Dentures are comfortable to wear and easier to chew with, which many denture wearers in Tulsa find cumbersome.
Since they’re custom fit to your mouth, you can be sure that they won’t slide around when you chew. That means that you can eat all your favorite foods, even if they’re crunchy or tough. Say hello to steak dinners and snack nuts! While your favorite foods might not help you look younger, healthy foods do. Many health foods such as fruits and vegetables are hard to bite into with traditional dentures, so many denture wears cut them out. When you can eat crunchy or tough foods, eating healthier is easier.
5. They are Custom and Won’t Fall Out
One major complaint about dentures is that they fall out, which will definitely age you. FOY® dentures don’t. They’re custom-fit to your mouth and designed with your skeleton in mind, so the suction to keep them in your mouth is just right.
Look Younger with Fountain of Youth Dentures in Tulsa
Do you want to look younger? Contact your FOY® denture dentist in Tulsa, OK, for a consultation and exam. For years, Dr. Meghan Hodges has been working with FOY® dentures and is the top denture dentist in Tulsa. Take your youth back and call (918) 528-3330 or make an appointment online today.

élan Tulsa Cosmetic Dentistry
10031 S Yale Ave #104
Tulsa, OK 74137